At the end of last year, I decided that 2008 would be different. I had several goals:
1) start a new novel
2) write my own stuff first thing every day, even if I had to get up at 5 a.m. to do it
3) find or create work that I enjoyed more than what I was currently doing
4) sell my detective series to another publisher
By March 1, I had accomplished the three things I had control over. January first, I began to outline my new Detective Wade novel, working title, SECRETS TO DIE FOR. I began getting up at 5 a.m. to write for an hour or so before I went to work. At the time, I worked as an editor for an educational publisher, a demanding job that left me too mentally exhausted at the end of the day to feel creative enough to fill blank page after blank page (which is how a novel comes into existence).
Next, I started sending out letters to agents, publishers, and writers, announcing my services as a fiction editor. And I contacted some corporate clients and magazines about nonfiction editing as well. Then I took the biggest step: I asked my employer to let me cut back on my hours at work, thinking it would be long slow transition to self-employment. They promptly laid me off.
Thank you very much.
Terrified, but joyously liberated, I plunged into a new routine: Write for three hours exclusively on my novel first thing every morning, break for an hour of cardio, then freelance edit for others. After dinner I switch to networking and marketing my novel that's currently in print, THE SEX CLUB. Most days I work from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
I love my new life! My bathroom is perpetually untidy, dinner is often an unimaginative freezer-to-oven meal, and there's laundry backed up everywhere. But I passed page 100 yesterday on my novel, so who cares? My husband says he's never seen me so happy. It's the first time in my life that I've put my personal writing first. Making a living, raising kids, taking care of extended family, and keeping the house clean were always a priority. These things are still important, they are just not most important. (Don't call child services; my kids are adults now.)
My goal now is make it all work for as long as possible. My husband was laid off one week after I was—an unexpected event—so we're sweating the health insurance a little. But he doesn't want me to change anything about my new life. I had already quit spending money (except on books) and guess what? I don't miss any of the things I don't buy. It's amazing how simple life can be.
Now if I could just land a publisher . . .
Beverage of Choice
12 hours ago
I'm glad to hear you're enjoying things in spite of the obvious strenuousness of some of it. Can't imagine how much time it took to take care of this family, and while it was worth it to us and you its cool that you're finally getting to do stuff for you.
Best wishes in your search for a new publisher and congratulations on living your dream. I'm sure that it will work out. If you should ever decide to self-publish, then please contact me. - Persia
You deserve time to your writing. I'm encouraged to see you take any situation you're faced with and adapt it around to suit you. Though, mom, I fail to see how your house is untidy.
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